Annual Events and Fundraisers
Throughout the school year, the CFT PSO hosts multiple events and fundraisers for our students and their families. To support our wonderful staff, we also provide multiple staff appreciation events multiple times per year.
Join us at the next event, fundraiser, or activity! We ensure that events are inclusive for all our families – there is no ticket to entry, and we provide transportation for events that are not on school grounds.
Select any event/activity to read all details, including date, location, description, and volunteer needs.
August 28th from 4:00-600pm at CFT
DESCRIPTION: Drop off your child’s supplies with your teacher, pick up supply kits (if previously ordered), and meet the teachers and your fellow caregivers. And of course, come meet the PSO!
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Hand out school supply kits, sell spirit wear, etc.
WHEN AND WHERE: September 27th from 5:30-7:30pm at Oregon Heritage Farms
DESCRIPTION: Completely free to attend with options to purchase raffle tickets, spirit wear, caramel apples, slushies, etc. Each student gets one hay ride and a donut at no additional cost.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Sell spirit wear, tickets, activities, parking
WHEN AND WHERE: October 11, 2024 on the CFT track, during the school day.
2024 schedule: TBD
The Jog-a-Thon is our primary fundraiser for the year and is a fun day for all involved! The Jog-a-Thon takes place on the track in front of the school; each grade will run during an assigned 30 minute segment (1 lap=1/8 mile). Laps are not officially counted and we only collect flat donations, not pledges per lap.
The funds raised will go to the PSO operating budget, which funds classroom and student enrichment activities including field trips, art literacy, teacher requests, family fun nights, and more. Our students shine with pride knowing they take part earning money for our school.
The classroom that raises the most funds are awarded a pizza party to celebrate. Other awards vary from year to year.
–>Collect pledges via Pledgestar.
Shirts and popsicles are provided by the PSO to every student.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: 10 volunteers needed to help coordinate classes and kiddos and teachers, manage water station, and hand out popsicles
Fall picture day: TBD
Spring picture day: TBD
During the school day.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: 6 volunteers needed to help organize students
WHEN AND WHERE: Approximately once per month at various local restaurants. View the calendar for the most up to date information.
Specific locations and times TBD
WHEN AND WHERE: Approximately twice per year, one in the fall/winter and one in the spring. Located in the CFT Library, accessible to families after school.
Fall Book Fair: December 6-13, 2024
Spring Book Fair: April 25 – May 2, 2025
DESCRIPTION: While PSO runs the Book Fair, proceeds go toward the library, not the PSO. This is an excellent opportunity to support your student’s reading skills while contributing to the success of our library.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Setup, breakdown, sales during fair hours
WHEN AND WHERE: Approximately once per quarter. Takes place during specials.
DESCRIPTION: Led by our Art Literacy Coordinator and a team of volunteers. Each art lit day leads students through a lesson about the artist, their work, and other relevant interesting information. Afterward they complete an art project inspired by the artists.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Multiple volunteers needed to assist students with the project, setup, cleanup
Twice per year, during the winter and spring book fairs. Includes author visit.
Winter: December 11, 2024 at 5pm
Spring: April 30, 2025 at 5pm
Friday, February 21, 2024 from 6 – 8pm in the CFT cafeteria.
This is a free event much beloved by our students here at CFT! The first BINGO card is free and a second one is available for purchase by any participant. Adults and kids are all welcome to play! Historically, prizes have typically been bears from Build-a-Bear but that is subject to change each year.
Snacks and drinks are available for purchase.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Concessions, tickets, bingo cards, setup
There are multiple days and weeks throughout the school year that are designated for appreciating different staff members. For the 2024-2025 school year, we are recognizing the following:
National School Counselor Week:
Classified Appreciation Week:
National Librarian Day:
National Administrative Day:
National Principals Day:
National Lunch Hero Day:
Licensed Appreciation Week:
National Nurses Day:
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Primarily donation-based (food items)
May 30, 2025 from 5-8pm
DESCRIPTION: Free to attend, but additional tickets needed to participate in activities and purchase concessions. Approximately $10-$15 per person to participate in every activity and purchase one food item.
VOLUNTEERS TYPICALLY NEEDED: Lots of volunteers needed to run activities!
Click the button below to view our Google Calendar, with the option to add to your own calendar.
Year Round Fundraising
Employee Matching – ask your employer about their matching program. When donating to the PSO, choose your employer to ensure they match your contribution.
Bottle Drop Program – blue bags are available for pickup in the front office. Simply fill your bag with cans and glass/plastic bottles and drop off behind the Bottle Drop building. The tag on your blue bag ensures that deposit funds go into our account. You can also use your green bag and donate your funds through your Bottle Drop account. Select Donate and search for Charles F Tigard PSO.
Kroger Community Rewards
1. Log into your account at
2. Go to My Account
3. Select Community Rewards and search for Charles F. Tigard Elementary to add us as your organization
School Spirit
Spirit Wear
Online ordering available! Pick up at our next event or we can deliver it to your child’s classroom.

Info coming soon